OC DJ Cruz at Seacrets July 4th Holiday DJ Set

Today's Hottest Dance music in the ONLY Nightclub in Ocean City. Come…

Cruz Cruz

DJ Tuff /Cruz Joint Live Stream

Support DJ Tuff: Fighting for Life Once upon a time in Ocean…

Cruz Cruz

Twenty One Pilots Tribute ft. Jeff Tomrell

Watch on Twitch Watch live video from ThreeHiveEntertainment on www.twitch.tv Tune in…

Cruz Cruz

Seacrets DJ Cruz 80s at 8:00 Friday April 3rd 2020

Totally tubular news, fellow 80s enthusiasts! Hold on to your leg warmers…

Cruz Cruz

Seacrets Jamaica 2019 Trip

Click on the picture for the Full Size -  Un-Compressed Pictures.  Images will load and…

Cruz Cruz

CRUZ – Opening DJ Set for Shaun Frank at Seacrets

Cruz to Open for Shaun Frank Ocean City's DJ Cruz Opens for…

Cruz Cruz